Sunday, March 27, 2011

Greek Week 2011

Every fraternity and sorority (and even the Rugby team) went head to head to compete in Greek Week 2011 which was Disney Themed!  Each day of the week had a different excited and challenging activity for the sororities and fraternities to compete in.  Each sorority was paired up with a fraternity, and Theta was paired up with the Rugby team.

On Tuesday, we all went out to the Manchester field to play a bunch of different "Disney" themed games.  There was a tricycle race, sponge pass, and even a tug of war.  On Wednesday, we all participated in a letter writing event to fundraise for St. Judd's.  We wrote letters to our friends and families after hearing stories from a child that had just received help from St. Judd's.  It was so inspirational and everyone had a blast stuffing their envelopes while devouring pizza and soda.

 But it all came down to....SKITS!
Each pairing had to perform a skit with a disney theme.  We were paired with Lambda Chi Alpha.  Our skit was about Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber putting on a contest to see who could make the best music video using a song from a Disney Channel original movie.  We did dances from the Cheetah Girls, the Kim Possible Movie, Zenon, and LifeSize.  It was so much fun!  The best part was seeing what everyone else was creative enough to come up with.  The Kappas and SigEp won with an AWESOME skit!  They used their dancers really well and they did a great job!
But overall, we placed SECOND in all of Greek Week!  So proud of my AXO's! :)

As Greek Week came to a close, I spent Saturday morning at the beach watching the powderpuff tournament put on by Alpha Phi and Lambda Chi Alpha.  It was pretty intense!  Most of the teams had matching uniforms and came to win!
Alpha Chi also had a 4Pack with Theta, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and PhiKap.  A 4Pack is a dance with two sororities and two fraternities.  It was a lot of fun to mix it up with the different chapters on campus.  The theme was toon town and I dressed up as Hello Kitty.

 This may sound like a BUSY week, which it definitely was, but it was also a lot of fun!  And I was even able to play in my first intramural softball game!  By no means am I athletic, but I did hit the ball and made it to home plate!  It was really exciting!

Overall, as hectic as it was, I can't wait for Greek Week 2011!!  It's always great when the Greek Community comes together to work hard and play hard!