Sunday, July 3, 2011


I'm home for summer vacation in HAWAII, but where is the one place I wish I was right now...of course, Sunny SAN DIEGO.
I miss my friends,
I miss late night Mexican food runs,
I miss Mission Beach,
I miss the perfect weather,
and I even miss the SLP.

But as you future Toreros begin to get information regarding your schedules, housing arrangements, etc., it can all seem a little overwhelming or just plain confusing.  So here's a few helpful hints..

1.  Check and understand your schedule
-Unfortunately, TR means tuesday AND thursday.
-Be sure you need the classes you are registered for.    For example, I took AP Calc in high school and passed the AP exam, which meant that because I'm a Communications and Spanish major, I never have to take math at USD, EVER.  But, for some reason, I was registered in Calc II.  I didn't realize that I did not need to take that class until the very last minute and by that time it was really hard to find another class to switch in to.  The early you resolve these problems, the better your chances of getting a good class to switch in to.
Below are links to USD's general requirements to graduate, as well as the scores needed to receive credit from USD.
USD General Requirements
AP/ CLEP/ IB Exam Credits

2.  You'll be happy regardless of where you live on campus.
Although I'm the biggest fan of the Valley, being a Missions B resident my freshman year and also an RA next year, I know that every living area has its pros and cons.  Regardless of where you end up, your freshman year will be amazing.  You'll most likely have friends that live in all the different buildings so you'll hang out all over the place!

3.  Attend your cities Summer Send-Off
Below is the link to the list of Summer Send-Off cities and dates, RSVP when available and attend to meet people from your area.  It never hurts to know more people coming into a new school.
Summer Send Off Dates

4.  Join the Class of 2015 Facebook Page
USD Class of 2015
Ask questions or simply connect with your future classmates!

Okay, seriously, you'll have the time of your life at USD.  The first couple weeks may feel a little crazy or a little overwhelming, but by the end of the year, you'll wonder where the time all went.  So get excited to become a Torero!