Sunday, May 8, 2011

Just a small FORMALity

If Prom was your favorite thing about high school, then you will LOVE formal!
Every sorority and fraternity has a formal, which is basically a college version of prom filled with getting dressed up and taking lots of pictures and dancing the night away.  Friday night was my sorority's formal.  We got dressed up and took pictures in front of the Jenny Craig Pavilion.  As you can see, the setting and scenery was absolutely amazing!  Then we jumped on the buses and got taken down to the Bahia, which is a very nice hotel near Mission Beach.  Our dance was in a ballroom thats glass walls opened up to a view of the bay.  It was amazing.  We also had a sit down dinner before the dancing began.  My date and I had such a fun time and all of my sisters looked absolutely fabulousss!

Then on Saturday, I drove to Palm Springs for the Beta Theta Pi fraternity formal.  Fraternities at our school are allowed to have their formals at venues outside of the San Diego County area, which is so nice!  
We spent all day out at the pool just relaxing and having fun.  I definitely got very tan!  That night, the formal was at the hotel we were staying in which was very convenient.  The hotel was really nice and the DJ at the dance was awesome!  It was so awesome having a weekend away from campus and getting to relax and enjoy fun formals!