Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My 5 Goals

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” -John Lennon

Coming into college at USD, I had five goals…
1. Discover that USD is the perfect fit.
2. Make friends from all over the country of all different backgrounds.  Friends that will teach me about things I never knew existed.  Friends that will last forever (cliché but really)
3. Find adventure
4. Make the Torero Spirit Team
5. Be happy

I’m the only person from my high school to be attending USD this year.  Besides a few upper classman, I came into this school knowing no one.  The transition was a fearful thought.  Let’s compare it to…throwing a little goldfish into the Pacific Ocean.  It was definitely overwhelming.
My fears and anxieties subsided through out the Torero Days Orientation process.  The one thing I learned about USD during those short four days is that “Wow.  This school is HUGE on building community!”  But it makes sense.  Feeling like you belong is the reason why students choose to either stay at a university or leave.
And although it’s only been a few short months since I’ve been here, I’m pretty sure I could stay here for a very long time (don’t get me wrong, I’m graduating in four years though!  Maybe even 3 ½)
Besides the perfect weather (the closest thing I’ll get to the weather back home in Hawaii) and the amazing views of the bay, I’ve found that USD is the right place for me to be.  I thrive well in a small classroom setting and I like the balance between laid-back vibe and emphasis on intellectual stimulation. 

Friends Forever
I like meeting genuine people.  People that have something interesting to say and people that aren’t afraid to speak their mind, even in embarrassing and honest situations. 
Where I made these friends….

RLC or Amen at 10 as we like to call it here in The Valley
Residential Learning Communities are small groups sponsored by University Ministry.  Each freshman living area has one.  Our group meets every Wednesday night at 10 and we get to share our highs and lows of the week and just talk over delicious food about what’s going on in our lives.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” –Helen Keller

One thing I never experienced while living in Hawaii…Mexican Food.  Boy, was I missing out.  The greatest thrills about being here, for me, come from the little moments where you find yourself making a spontaneous decision just doing things because you want to.
Case in point, our weekly run to Filiberto’s down the road from campus.  The California Burritos are to die for and the best solution to late night munchies.
Added bonus: the bonding time during the car ride over with my hallmates.  I love them!

Go Toreros!
Dance is something I absolutely love doing and something I never wanted to have to give up.  Making it onto the spirit team was one of my greatest accomplishments of college, thus far.  It’s great to be able to do what I enjoy with an amazing group of girls that are just as passionate as I am.

Definitely come out and support as many Torero Athletics events as you can.  The tailgates are always an added bonus.

Through it all, my goal coming to USD was to find happiness.  I wanted to simply enjoy everything and so far that’s working for me. 
So in the words of one of my favorite song writers, Matt Nathanson, I plan to “make [my] dream that’s barely half awake come true”.