Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just the beginning...

These first few weeks have been jam packed with exciting activities and adventures!  I have already been able to attend a Padres game thanks to RHA and the Torero Program Board.  The tickets included the seats, transportation, and food all for only $8.50!  Seriously, what a deal!

Torero Program Board has also put on other fun events including a comedy show with Craig Robinson, the guy who plays Darryl on The Office and GlowFest, a huge dance party with Nate, the DJ from Passion Pit!

But besides, attending all these crazy events, I was able to attend the Alcala Bazaar, a fair for student organizations and vendors held every semester on Marian Way!  I was there to promote my involvement in Alpha Chi Omega! 
 It was a ridiculously hot day, but my sisters and I beat the heat and were able to meet a lot of great girls, while sharing our love for Alpha Chi!  I'm so glad that so many people attended the Bazaar because it is the best place to learn about all the many organizations on campus.  There's no way students can't get involved!