Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunny San Diego

Common reason people come to San Diego:  the beautiful weather

but by some freak of nature, it HAILED last night!
Maybe it's just because I've never seen anything even close to snow before, but I thought it was amazingly cool.  The great thing though, after a quick night of hail, the weather is back to being 60 degrees and sunny!  
My friends at school on the east coast are all so jealous.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Tonight, the Torero Men's basketball team hosted St. Mary's, the #23 ranked team in the nation.  ESPN2 covered the game and EVERYONE came out to support.  The fans were wild and the students never sat down the whole time.  It was an amazing game and best of all, we WON!

Being a part of the spirit team has been so much fun, because it gives me a front row view of the action of the game.  I've been to every single game this season and love getting to cheer along with my friends.  The highlight of my night was watching student's storm the court.

It was crazy!  We actually had to move to the side before the game ended so that we wouldn't get trampled by all of the fans!  It was an epic night and one of the many reasons why I'm proud to be a TORERO!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It’s my New Obsession

The spring semester has just begun but I feel like I’ve been back on campus forever, which technically, I have.
I got back on January 3rd to begin winter camp for Spirit Team.  Practices were long and hard but we learned almost ten sweet dances that I can’t wait to perform, especially at the Gonzaga game.  (Go Toreros!)
Even though I was only home in Hawaii for 12 days, it was great to be back on campus.  I can’t explain it, but I love being here and it’s become my new home.  It was almost weird being back at my real home.  I spent most of my time skype-ing my USD friends counting down the days til we could reunite.
Spirit Team practices ended early with the start of RUSH WEEK.  I always knew that I wanted to join a sorority but I had no idea what the process would be like.  Imagine speed-dating and multiply it by 1000x.  Girl flirting galore!  I met SO MANY girls from all different chapters with unique personalities and amazing stories, but I found my home in 
Alpha Chi Omega :)

I connected best with the girls in AXO and am so excited for all the things that sorority life has to offer including a 100 new sisters and a multitude of fun bonding events.  We spent bid day at the beach taking photos and then roller-skating the night away to my favorite 90s music. 

But, here’s the best part…everyone says to go into rush with an open mind.  To not influence any of your friends and to find the best fit for you.  Well, that’s exactly what my best friend here at USD and I did.  We never expected to end up in the same sorority, but we did and I can’t be any happier.